What does testing and examination include?
Once the curriculum has been decided, the institution decides what the learning outcomes should be for the students. Achieving these attainment levels is decided in part, by summative and formative testing. Organising these tests and exams is the primary task for the department of testing and examination. Testing is one of the most pivotal parts of the course and serves to certify students after a period of hard work and intense studying for a certain degree. Omix provides professionals on secondment contracts to ensure certification, graduation, and grade registration are conducted smoothly and correctly.
Our experts in
Testing & Examination
Secretary to the board of examination
Omix regularly provides educational institutions with secretaries to the board of examination. Secretaries to the exam committee perform executive, procedural, educational, and examinational tasks in support of the committee. They perform duties such as improving and/or developing new policies. After approval, these developments are then translated into frameworks, guidelines, and instruments for the board. Moreover, the secretary to the board is the link between the committee, teachers, and students.

Diploma evaluator
Diploma or certificate evaluators indicate which foreign courses are equivalent to the obtained degree and confirm the level of that diploma. Colleges and universities (of applied sciences) can request a diploma evaluation for a foreign degree as a requirement for enrollment into a subsequent course.

Project support: online proctoring
A hot topic in education since the pandemic of 2020 is online support. Due to the pandemic, educational institutions have found themselves needing to be more flexible in all areas of education, one of which being testing and examination. Omix supports schools, colleges, and universities in this area by providing them with online proctors during exams. This way, students will be able to complete exams and conduct tests while still being watched to prevent fraud. Invigilators use special software that aids them in safeguarding the test and thus safeguarding the integrity of the course.

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Iwan Brouns
Accountmanager MBO/HO
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