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Our method

Omix supplies immediately deployable education logistics professionals, both on a temporary and permanent basis. Our experts help to guarantee the continuity of your organization and to increase the quality of your educational logistics.

Omix determines who is the most suitable specialist based on your educational logistics issue. In this way we not only provide the solution to the problem. Our expert provides a solution with a view to the continuity of the education logistics internally.

90+ Experts
7+ Expertises
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Occuring educational logistics issues


Occuring educational logistics issues

As an educational institution, you may be faced with an educational logistics issue or bottleneck. This may include shortages in capacity, or the need for knowledge in specific processes or systems for the organization of education.

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Omix comes to your aid


Omix comes to your aid

If your educational institution encounters a capacity or knowledge issue, we will help you further. Simply contact us via the contact form or via our account managers.

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The right specialist for the job


The right specialist for the job

By sparring with you we are able to link the best education logistics professional, suitable to your assignment. We take the required experience and knowledge in software and skills in consideration. In this way we are able to provide a suitable solution for your problem.

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Working towards better education together


Working towards better education together

Once we’ve identified the issue and paired our professional, we can get started. One of our specialists approaches an assignment taking the entire educational logistics spectrum into account, while simultaneously keeping the student, institution, and members of staff in mind. In doing so, the solution remains clear, practical, and adaptable when necessary.



Our experts will help you with all of your educational logistics issues.

Glen Dorland

Glen Dorland

Bekir Sagir

Bekir Sagir

Lisanne van Brouwershaven

Lisanne van Brouwershaven

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Omix collaborates with various partners to organize the educational logistics at your institution as well as possible.

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